Monitoring AI Quality

How to monitor the quality of AI outputs

What You’ll Learn

  • How to observe the AI to understand why it generated the answers it did

What was the actual prompt and response?

A good place to start when trying to understand the AI’s responses is to look at the actual prompt and response from the LLM that produced the cell.

You can fetch the request and response as follows

  1. Get the log for a given cell
  2. From the cell get the traceId of the AI generation request
export TRACEID=$(curl -s -X POST http://localhost:8877/api/foyle.logs.LogsService/GetBlockLog -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"id\": \"${CELLID}\"}" | jq -r .blockLog.genTraceId)
  • Given the traceId, you can fetch the request and response from the LOGS
curl -s -o /tmp/response.json -X POST http://localhost:8877/api/foyle.logs.LogsService/GetLLMLogs -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"traceId\": \"${TRACEID}\"}"
if [ $CODE -ne 0 ]; then
  echo "Error occurred while fetching LLM logs"
  exit $CODE
  • You can view an HTML rendering of the prompt and response
  • If you disable interactive mode for the cell then vscode will render the HTML respnse inline
  • Note There appears to be a bug right now in the HTML rendering causing a bunch of newlines to be introduced relative to what’s in the actual markdown in the JSON request
jq -r '.requestHtml' /tmp/response.json > /tmp/request.html
cat /tmp/request.html
  • To view the response
jq -r '.responseHtml' /tmp/response.json > /tmp/response.html
cat /tmp/response.html
  • To view the JSON versions of the actual requests and response
jq -r '.requestJson' /tmp/response.json | jq .
jq -r '.responseJson' /tmp/response.json | jq '.messages[0].content[0].text'
  • You can print the raw markdown of the prompt as follows
echo $(jq -r '.requestJson' /tmp/response.json | jq '.messages[0].content[0].text')
jq -r '.responseJson' /tmp/response.json | jq .

Last modified October 9, 2024: Redo documentation (#291) (4189fe5)