
How to monitor Foyle with Honeycomb

What You’ll Learn

  • How to use Opentelemetry and Honeycomb To Monitor Foyle


Configure Foyle To Use Honeycomb

foyle config set telemetry.honeycomb.apiKeyFile = /path/to/apikey

Download Honeycomb CLI

  • hccli is an unoffical CLI for Honeycomb.
  • It is being developed to support using Honeycomb with Foyle.
TAG=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/jlewi/hccli/releases/latest | jq -r '.tag_name')
# Remove the leading v because its not part of the binary name
OS=$(uname -s | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
ARCH=$(uname -m)
echo latest tag is $TAG
echo OS is $OS
echo Arch is $ARCH
echo Downloading $LINK
wget $LINK -O /tmp/hccli

Move the hccli binary to a directory in your PATH.

chmod a+rx /tmp/hccli
sudo mv /tmp/hccli /tmp/hccli

On Darwin set the execute permission on the binary.

sudo xattr -d com.apple.quarantine /usr/local/bin/hccli

Configure Honeycomb

  • In order for hccli to generate links to the Honeycomb UI it needs to know base URL of your environment.
  • You can get this by looking at the URL in your browser when you are logged into Honeycomb.
  • It is typically somethling like
  • You can set the base URL in your config
hccli config set baseURL=https://ui.honeycomb.io/${TEAM}/environments/${ENVIRONMENT}/
  • You can check your configuration by running the get command
hccli config get

Measure Acceptance Rate

  • To measure the utility of Foyle we can look at how often Foyle suggestions are accepted
  • When a suggestion is accepted we send a LogEvent of type ACCEPTED
  • This creates an OTEL trace with a span with name LogEvent and attribute eventType == ACCEPTED
  • We can use the query below to calculate the acceptance rate
  "calculations": [
    {"op": "COUNT", "alias": "Event_Count"}
  "filters": [
    {"column": "name", "op": "=", "value": "LogEvent"},
    {"column": "eventType", "op": "=", "value": "ACCEPTED"}
  "time_range": 86400,
  "order_by": [{"op": "COUNT", "order": "descending"}]

hccli querytourl --dataset foyle --query "$QUERY" --open

Token Count Usage

  • The cost of LLMs depends on the number of input and output tokens
  • You can use the query below to look at token usage
  "calculations": [
    {"op": "COUNT", "alias": "LLM_Calls_Per_Cell"},
    {"op": "SUM", "column": "llm.input_tokens", "alias": "Input_Tokens_Per_Cell"},
    {"op": "SUM", "column": "llm.output_tokens", "alias": "Output_Tokens_Per_Cell"}
  "filters": [
    {"column": "name", "op": "=", "value": "Complete"}
  "breakdowns": ["trace.trace_id"],
  "time_range": 86400,
  "order_by": [{"op": "COUNT", "order": "descending"}]

hccli querytourl --dataset foyle --query "$QUERY" --open

Last modified October 9, 2024: Redo documentation (#291) (4189fe5)