Tech Notes

Technical Notes About Foyle


Describe how we want to use technical notes and establish guidelines on authoring technical notes (TNs) for consistency.

Why TechNotes?

We use TNs communicate key ideas, topics, practices, and decisions for the project. TNs provide a historical record with minimal burden on the authors or readers. We will use TNs in Foyle to document our team engineering practices and technical “stakes-in-the-ground” in a “bite-sized” manner. Use a TN instead of email to communicate important/durable decisions or practices. Follow this up with an email notification to the team when the document is published.

TNs are not meant to replace documents such as User Guides or Detailed Design documents. However, many aspects of such larger docs can be discussed and formalized using a TN to feed into the authoring of these larger docs.


  1. All TNs have a unique ID that TNxxx where xxx is a sequential number
  2. Keep TNs brief, clear and to the point.
  3. Primary author is listed as owner. Secondary authors are recognized as co-creators.
  4. Allow contributors to add themselves in the contributors section.
  5. TNs are considered immutable once they are published. They should be deprecated or superceded by new TNs. This provides a historical timeline and prevents guesswork on whether a TN is still relevant.
  6. Only mark a TN published when ready (and approved, if there is an approver).
  7. If a TN is deprecated mark it so. If there is a newer version that supersedes it, put the new doc in the front matter.

Happy Tech-Noting

TN001 Logging

Design logging to support capturing human feedback.

TN002 Learning from Human Feedback

Allow Foyle to learn from human feedback.

TN003 Learning Evaluation

Measure the efficacy of the learning system.

TN004 Integration with Runme.Dev

Integrate Foyle’s AI capabilities with

TN005 Continuous Log Processing

Continuously compute traces and block logs

TN006 Continuous Learning

Continuously learn from the traces and block logs

TN007 Shared Learning

A solution for sharing learning between multiple users

TN008 Auto Insert Cells

Automatically Inserting Suggested Cells

TN009 Review AI in Notebooks

Review AI in Notebooks

TN010 Level 1 Evaluation

Level 1 Evaluation

TN011 Building An Eval Dataset

Building an Eval Dataset

TN012 Why Does Foyle Cost So Much

Why Does Foyle Cost So Much